New Year, New Look In 2017. Same Keen Insights.
We’ve updated our look for the New Year. We changed our logo and our website to begin 2017. The new look better reflects our mission and purpose.
Our New Logo Is Part Of Our New Look
Our new logo captures what Venturans for Responsible and Efficient Government is about. We explain how Ventura city government manages our finances. Our goal is to examine the policy decisions behind our tax dollar expenditures. The new logo features a hand signaling to stop the wasteful use of our money. We’re your eyes and ears to guarantee our elected officials spend on projects for the city’s good.
The New Look Includes A Revamped Website
We’ve streamlined our website. You now have greater access to our investigative reporting on the city’s finances. The look is simpler and easier to navigate than our old site. Our most recent stories appear on the Home Page so you’ll always know what were currently working on. We’ve also enhanced the stories with graphics.

Our streamlined Home Pages gives you greater access to our investigative reporting on the city’s finances.
Our new front page features a spot for visitors to sign up for our newsletter. Please encourage your friends and like-minded acquaintances to subscribe.
Tell Us What You Think
Please share your feedback with us on our new logo and website. We welcome the opportunity to make our information more accessible to you.
For more information like this, subscribe to our newsletter, Res Publica. Click here to enter your name and email address.
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